Gallaudet University Sixth Street Master Plan
1,500,000 square feet
1 - 12 stories
Washington, D.C.
MA was engaged to develop a master plan that embodied Gallaudet University’s vision and goals for the redevelopment of several large parcels along Sixth Street, adjacent to the school’s established campus in northeast Washington, D.C. The master plan was delivered in April 2015 and subsequently received PUD approval. We were subsequently asked to design one of the largest buildings within the development.
Intended to serve as a new and vibrant mixed-use gateway to Gallaudet's campus, the objective of the Sixth Street Development is to better integrate the school with the surrounding community. The resultant master plan—developed through a series of intensive design charrettes with the university, the developer, project consultants, and community stakeholder groups—blends architecture and cultures, embracing the traditional and historical elements of the campus, as well as surrounding new developments to enhance Gallaudet’s presence in the community.
Combined with thoughtful massing, an emphasis was placed on the quality of the public realm as an attractive amenity that should be safe, comfortable, and engaging for pedestrians at all hours and in all seasons. Each element within the streetscapes, including architectural features and signage, are guided by comprehensive design standards intended to create an authentic and engaging destination, easily accessible to all.
The master plan was delivered in April 2015 and subsequently received PUD approval. MA is currently designing a mixed-use multifamily building on Parcel 3 within the Sixth Street Development.